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Happier Working Lives Blog Part 4

Wow, where did that time go, I can’t believe that we have finished our first cohort of Happier Working Lives. What a last day we had, and everyone was certainly in the Christmas spirit.

The day started off with how the teams have been getting on with their initiatives and were asked to think about:

1) three things you have achieved/ most proud of

2) two things you are still working on

3) one thing you would do differently next time

It was great to see what the teams have been putting in place to create a happier, healthier team and the positive impacts that it has made. Some examples of the initiatives implemented are

  • The introduction of daily huddles, allowing staff to express if they have any boulders preventing them from doing their work that can be removed, plus a good way to check in on staff wellbeing.

  • Communication boards, any news about the work area, new staff etc are shared widely with the team.

  • Wellbeing boards, so staff have access to what the Trust offer, apps and websites that support health and wellbeing and information regarding support with the cost of living.

  • A generic email for the academy admin team, ensuring that any admin requests go to the inbox and are picked up by the right person and provide resilience in the team if anyone is off work for a period of time.

I am sure you will agree that these small changes have greatly impacted the teams!

During the afternoon the teams were introduced to the 15sec30mins concept. This looks at what can you do now in seconds that will save someone else doing it later that would take them 30mins +. Everyone was asked to think about what irritates them at work and write it down, then to chose one thing and pledge to change this, here are the amazing pledges.

I have absolutely loved being part of the Happier Working Lives programme, it has been just what the teams needed, and everyone has gone away with a positive mindset, despite the difficult the times the NHS is currently facing.

I think what has made the difference is having the days away from the working environment, it has allowed the teams headspace and time to work on their initiatives and the fact that they have made small changes and reaped the results, revitalising their passion for happier working lives and improvement. We have cohort 2 commencing in January and I have been meeting the teams, all of whom are excited about the programme, I can say it’s going to be another fun filled three days.

On that note, this is the last of my series of blogs for Happier Working Lives, I hope you have enjoyed them and it has sparked a flame for creating a #HappierNHS


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