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New Academy website

Since our website was launched in 2018, the Research, Improvement and Participation activities we’ve undertaken have developed massively. We’ve also learnt a lot about communication and engagement, about how to make information accessible and the importance of sharing learning and ideas. With this in mind, we decided it was time to give the site a bit of an overhaul.

As an Academy, we essentially deliver a service; we're here to support and share learning in all its forms. We are here to listen and adapt according to need, but also to showcase the work that is happening across our Solent patch. Importantly, we are also keen to share opportunities to get involved, or to hear how you’d like this to happen.

This new-look website has been developed with that in mind. Whether you're a colleague, a patient, a community partner or just an interested browser, we hope that you find the information easy to navigate, informative and useful. We know that improving a website isn’t just about making it look nice; it’s about understanding what you need as a reader, which is why you will continue to see changes as we take on board feedback and review analytics.

So what’s new on the website?

The new site features a clean design that better matches our branding (logo and colour palette) and a style that aligns with the future-facing approach of our work. It also better meets with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), making it easier to read and navigate, especially for those using assistive technologies such as screen readers.

We’ve also started the process of overhauling the content on our site to ensure the language we use is as easy to understand as possible; making it as “user friendly" as we can.

What happens next?

We will continue to develop the site, including adding more video and interactive content, and look forward to working with you to ensure it meets with your needs.

We’re excited for this new chapter of our website, and welcome any thoughts or suggestions you might have.


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