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Jennifer Malpass

Research Dental Nurse

My role

I am a Research Dental Nurse for the Academy of Research and Improvement at Solent NHS Trust.

My responsibilities

My role has two main components; identifying and supporting the delivery of dental and oral health research and working to create and maintain links with social care, voluntary and community settings to increase the opportunity for research involvement.

My background

I qualified as a dental nurse more than 20 years ago, and have worked in general practice, dental school and special care dental services. I held a role in oral health promotion, working within local community settings (family hubs, schools, care homes, etc.) to improve oral health. I also have a role in dental care professional education, contributing to the learning and development of our future dental workforce.

Why I love my job

Oral health is directly related to general health, wellbeing and quality of life. I love that I am contributing to research that can evidence ways in which we can improve all these factors for individuals and communities. I also love that I get to work with a great team at the Academy who are happy to support and share their knowledge and experiences with me as a newcomer.

More about me

When I am not working, I love being outside and enjoy long walks with my dog, days out to the beach, and BBQs with friends. I am also a novice but very keen gardener.

Current Projects

I am currently PI on a project which is investigating the effectiveness and acceptability of an oral care training programme for care staff supporting older people in residential care homes.

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