Hi, my name is Shaun and I am studying Biomedical Sciences at the University of Portsmouth. During my study the Academy offered me a placement role as part of a work-based learning module for my final year.
Since starting in June, I have been involved in many different activities. They have included; writing summary pages in order to share reports, data handling, and transcribing interviews on health and wellbeing.
We got to go to Victorious festival where we supported vaccinations and engaged with the public. This was something I particularly enjoyed.
Throughout the placement, I got to meet lots of friendly senior staff and clinical professionals who supported me along the way. They ensured that I got the most out of the experience and I got to see the various services available at the Trust. This helped me gain a better understanding of how research works in the NHS. This was very valuable because after graduation I have plans to go into research.
Additionally, I was able to develop a variety of soft skills including; working independently, working as part of a team, improving my verbal and written communication and organisational skills.
I just need to take these skills and write about this experience in 3000 words for my module submission!