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Learning disabilities

Open to:



Studying the impact of environmental (lifestyle, diet, sleep, physical activity, etc.) and genetic factors on the development of people with Down syndrome.

Inclusion criteria

Males and females aged 12 to 45 years.
With established genetic diagnosis of Down syndrome (full trisomy 21_ based on karyotype results - not exclusion if not available but will need to confirm karyotype before data analysis if not done previously).
Parent or legal guardian/representative and caregiver willing to give written informed consent, when necessary
Availability of parent/caregiver to accompany the subject to clinical visits. Subjects must be able/willing to comply with procedures.

Exclusion criteria

Comorbid conditions: Participation is allowed as long as health conditions are considered stable and will not interfere with participation in the study.
Subjects with evidence of dementia or meeting clinical diagnoses for dementia.
Participation in a medication treatment trial in the last 3 months prior to the study, or in a similar study involving completing the cognitive measures used in this project (to prevent learning effects).
Confirmed mosaic trisomy 21, partial trisomy 21, or translocation.

What is involved?

Cognitive test (London)
Questionnaires (London)
Blood tests (London)
Hair and saliva samples (London)
Physical activity and sleep (London)

Interested in taking part?

Email the team to find out more:

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