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LonDownS cohort


Learning disabilities and dementia

Open to:



Alzheimer’s disease occurs more often in people with Down syndrome compared to other individuals. This research will investigate the differences in cognitive functions and also look at genetic and biological differences. This may also explain why some people with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer’s disease while others do not.

Inclusion criteria

Participants with Down Syndrome over the age of 16 including those who cannot consent
English as a first language or bilingual
Early stages of Dementia (Not had MRI)

Exclusion criteria

Acutely unwell (need to be fairly stable from a mental health and physical health perspective but will see people who are on treatment)
Late stages of dementia

What is involved?

Cognitive tests (Portsmouth and London)
Questionnaires (Portsmouth)
Blood tests (London)
Optional MRI (London)

Interested in taking part?

Email the team to find out more:

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