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PPiP 2


Mental Health

Open to:



This study aims to see how many people with psychosis may be caused by immune system problems.

Inclusion criteria

Males and females aged 16 to 70 having experienced psychotic symptoms for at least the last 2 weeks but current episode no longer than 2 years.
Patients can have a total history of psychosis of longer than 2 years, as long as there has been a period of at least six months of remission prior to the current episode.

Exclusion criteria

Any other neurological disorders including multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease, hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injury, meningo-encephalitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, CNS vasculitis.

What is involved?

Participants will spend around 15 minutes with a member of the research team asking you questions about your problems. They will have a 23 ml (approximately one and half tablespoon) sample of blood taken and a £10 voucher will be given to participants to compensate for their time and inconvenience.

Interested in taking part?

Email the team to find out more:

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